Sunday, June 7, 2015

I Hope They Call Me on a Mission!

Back story, When I started my mission papers I had to go get a physical, (not bad right?) in that physical I got a TB test, they told me to not rub it or anything like that. So I didn't, and the bump never left, so when I walked in to get it checked they told me they have never really seen it like it was before, so the lady helping me got another nurse to look at it and they had to measure it.... It was way to big to be okay...
so they took a picture of it to give to my doctor. He then called me to tell me I needed to get a chest X-ray, which was awkward. But I ended up not having TB, and sometimes people have a reaction to the shot.

A couple months after, I turned in my papers!!!! YAY!!! not..... (kind of) The Friday after I turned them in I got a call from a unknown number, I ignored it because I was at work, but than I got another call right after by the same number, so I thought it might be important because who would call twice in less than a minute? I answered and it was a guy from the Church Headquarters! He told me Congratulations on my papers, then proceeded to tell me that I needed to go get a blood work done to really make sure I didn't have TB! I asked if it would put my papers on hold until I got the blood work, but luckily he said no. The next week I got the Blood test done, (also I have never drawn blood before so that was weird!) A couple days later I got the blood test results, It came back negative!!! Thank goodness! I called the same guy who called me and left a voice mail saying that I didn't have TB!

The next week I got my call!

Okay... another back story. You all know I took three years of Japanese and grew to love the Japanese and their culture! I grew to love the language and pretty much everything about them! So I prayed that I could get sent anywhere in Japan. (and when I mean I prayed... I mean I prayed HARD!) I said "Heavenly Father you know that I want to go to Japan, you know I already love the people there, if it is thy will to send me to Japan I will work hard! But if I get called somewhere else, know that I will love wherever I go, I will be happy knowing that I am called to serve the people wherever I might go!" (on the lines of that) I am just really excited to spread the gospel wherever the Lord had to send me!!

Thursday June 4th, 2015,

Dear Sister Stay:
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Japan Nagoya Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months.

You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, July 22, 2015. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Japanese language. Your assignment may be modified according to the needs of the mission president.

You guys!!! Heavenly Father really does answers prayers! He knows our desires, he knows the people we will meet wherever we go! He knows each one of us on a personal level!I am so blessed to be able to serve the people in Nagoya! This call is from the Lord! I will meet people on my mission who will need only me, or only my companion! I will meet so many beautiful men and women, I will have companions that will either push all my buttons, or some that will be like we've been friends for years, and I will grow to love all my companions (hopefully!) and I will grow to love the people in my mission!!! I can't explain how much this gospel means to me!! I love it so much!! And I love you guys too!!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Who Am I?

 Because,this is only a small portion on who I am!

You know those times when you forget that there are actually people you don't know, that are living lives? Ordinary people, with incredible stories? I'm one of those people! So hello, stalkers! I'm Callie, and I love seeing the world in new ways even though it may just be in my own back yard. Someday I will travel the world to see new sights, meet new people, and change their lives for the better. I'm just one girl with one dream (well more than one...) to travel the world! God has given us this world, so why stay in one place and miss the beauty of it? I also love listening to music and creating things with my hands! Art is my biggest inspiration! I love talking to people who can be theirselve and get into great conversation about what ever is on their/ our minds! This.... This is only a small portion of who I am! Now you know!:) Change the world!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

New Old Blog!!

I know what you're thinking.... I'm a really good Blogger!! Thank you, thank you... HA just kidding, I know I haven't really posted anything for almost a year! I'm sorry...
Anyways.... How are you? How's life?
I have so many friends that are about to or have left for an LDS mission. My best friend Birlyn is in Chile, my friend Keni is in Peru, Alec and Matt left for the MTC to learn Japanese, Alec is going to Kobe, Matt is going to Fukuoka, my friend Rachel is leaving for Russia!! It's all crazy!!
I have decided to serve a LDS Mission, and I have started my papers!! And I can't wait to serve the Lord and the people of wherever I go!! I can't wait!

On another note, I have also decide to continue with my photography, which is fun! I took my friend Rachel's Mission Pictures, which I will show, also I took some pictures of my friend Cambri for fun!

I will try to post more later, so enjoy these pictures! Have a nice life!


Here's some of the Family Pictures I did!

                                                               And some of Birlyn!



Monday, May 19, 2014

Adobe Youth Voices

So you can say I'm pretty cool I guess?! A month ago (I think...) I was called down to my digital media teachers class room. I was thinking that she was going to tell me to return the Go-Pro I had borrowed for ever. (Which I was right) but then she told me that she had entered in one of my projects I had done in her class into Adobe Youth Voices, which is a WORLD WIDE THING!!!!!! She told me that she had gotten an email from them saying I was one of the Finalist!!! Like who even? I was shocked that they chose my video... it isn't THAT good! But yeah. I was (and still am..) super excited to even be apart of it! You can vote for my project if you would so like. Also you can vote everyday! This voting means that who ever gets the most votes wins the Audience Choice Award! I doubt that I will get it because there is a guy from India with over 2,000 votes already!! I can see why, his video is amazing! But yep that's what is going on in my life right now!

Here is the link to my video!
Hope you like it!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Just Pictures Today!

I Work with some of the best people!
Us trying to have Swag. Yes? no...
We had to get rid of Ice Cream at work... And this happens!

Waffle Week!!
This Sweet Guy on the left gave all the Trumpet Chicks a rose for Valentines Day!!

Morp!! I took the pictures... so....

Where's Callie?!